Ownership Distribution upon Sectors by Nationality Classification

Ownership Distribution upon Sectors by Nationality Classification as of 23-11-2023
No. of Registers : 0
Sector Nationality Shareholders Securities Total Value
No. % No. % Amount in JOD %
Banking Jordanian 68,959 87.505 1,531,053,607 50.372 3,486,407,303.40 45.031
Arab 8,554 10.855 1,268,889,759 41.747 3,621,838,522.61 46.780
Foreign 1,293 1.641 239,548,756 7.881 633,963,796.77 8.188
Total Banking 78,806 100 3,039,492,122 100 7,742,209,622.78 100
Insurance Jordanian 12,137 94.887 171,125,222 68.010 186,044,374.79 65.990
Arab 573 4.480 68,111,892 27.070 76,124,577.16 27.001
Foreign 81 0.633 12,378,795 4.920 19,758,434.40 7.008
Total Insurance 12,791 100 251,615,909 100 281,927,386.35 100
Services Jordanian 296,632 95.597 2,606,738,952 84.280 4,025,100,135.49 77.256
Arab 12,570 4.051 310,859,597 10.051 291,818,701.32 5.601
Foreign 1,092 0.352 175,340,594 5.669 893,167,325.48 17.143
Total Services 310,294 100 3,092,939,143 100 5,210,086,162.29 100
Industry Jordanian 148,410 91.391 765,434,581 66.023 3,020,844,275.93 49.407
Arab 12,432 7.656 238,794,291 20.597 1,560,831,803.36 25.528
Foreign 1,548 0.953 155,109,861 13.379 1,532,532,286.22 25.065
Total Industry 162,390 100 1,159,338,733 100 6,114,208,365.51 100
Grand Total 564,281 100 7,543,385,907 100 19,348,431,536.93 100
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57