Ownership Analysis in the Registers

Ownership Analysis in the Registers as of 23-11-2023
Register Type
Shares : 226    Subscription Rights : 0    Total : 226
Analysis of Registered Ownership
Status Nationality Shareholders Securities Total Value
No. % No. % Amount in JOD %
Deposited Jordanian 463,229 82.092 5,058,523,295 67.059 10,684,623,739.52 55.222
Arab 29,022 5.143 1,869,990,291 24.790 5,481,534,293.26 28.331
Foreign 3,689 0.654 581,671,070 7.711 3,076,516,605.96 15.901
Total 495,940 87.889 7,510,184,656 99.560 19,242,674,638.74 99.453
Non Deposited Jordanian 62,909 11.149 15,829,067 507,435,236,132.941 33,772,350.09 1,071,839,608,905.778
Arab 5,107 0.905 16,665,248 188,665,553,875.210 69,079,311.19 555,061,360,416.669
Foreign 325 0.058 706,936 58,237,800,592.289 2,905,236.91 307,942,184,271.099
Total 68,341 12.111 33,201,251 0.440 105,756,898.19 0.547
Grand Total 564,281 100.000 7,543,385,907 100.000 19,348,431,536.93 100.000
Analysis of Deposited Ownership
Investor Type Investor Category Nationality Shareholders Investors Securities Total Value
No. % No. % No. % Amount in JOD %
Natural Males Jordanian 264,711 53.376 125,725 50.729 1,750,130,875 23.303 2,488,762,716.72 12.934
Arab 16,612 3.350 9,426 3.803 389,663,795 5.188 746,747,686.47 3.881
Foreign 2,099 0.423 1,230 0.496 18,732,233 0.249 46,252,254.26 0.240
total 283,422 57.148 136,381 55.029 2,158,526,903 28.741 3,281,762,657.45 17.055
Females Jordanian 194,689 39.257 101,545 40.972 513,873,771 6.842 888,127,057.56 4.615
Arab 11,820 2.383 7,377 2.977 69,278,532 0.922 202,702,613.60 1.053
Foreign 1,304 0.263 833 0.336 7,905,186 0.105 18,753,368.76 0.097
total 207,813 41.903 109,755 44.285 591,057,489 7.870 1,109,583,039.92 5.766
Total 491,235 99.051 246,136 99.314 2,749,584,392 36.611 4,391,345,697.37 22.821
Judicial Companies Jordanian 2,911 0.587 995 0.401 2,097,384,870 27.927 4,849,465,320.39 25.202
Arab 536 0.108 205 0.083 1,278,069,078 17.018 3,681,288,106.18 19.131
Foreign 198 0.040 91 0.037 504,609,558 6.719 2,852,978,872.64 14.826
total 3,645 0.735 1,291 0.521 3,880,063,506 51.664 11,383,732,299.21 59.159
Mutual Funds Jordanian 323 0.065 71 0.029 36,941,244 0.492 170,576,714.63 0.886
Arab 9 0.002 3 0.001 1,054,314 0.014 1,584,644.23 0.008
Foreign 61 0.012 12 0.005 8,578,354 0.114 26,616,226.38 0.138
total 393 0.079 86 0.035 46,573,912 0.620 198,777,585.24 1.033
Institutions Jordanian 175 0.035 28 0.011 630,876,988 8.400 2,169,363,648.31 11.274
Arab 6 0.001 1 0.000 1,031,107 0.014 3,202,306.87 0.017
Foreign 23 0.005 5 0.002 27,175,189 0.362 79,466,881.22 0.413
total 204 0.041 34 0.014 659,083,284 8.776 2,252,032,836.40 11.703
Governments Jordanian 65 0.013 2 0.001 14,775,004 0.197 52,972,368.23 0.275
Arab 11 0.002 9 0.004 128,837,115 1.715 837,436,316.16 4.352
Foreign 1 0.000 1 0.000 14,577,670 0.194 52,042,281.90 0.270
total 77 0.016 12 0.005 158,189,789 2.106 942,450,966.29 4.898
Organizations Jordanian 145 0.029 69 0.028 5,165,005 0.069 17,028,264.43 0.088
Arab 5 0.001 5 0.002 307,894 0.004 1,359,405.10 0.007
Foreign 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000
total 150 0.030 74 0.030 5,472,899 0.073 18,387,669.53 0.096
Municipalities Jordanian 31 0.006 29 0.012 8,097,668 0.108 43,363,678.08 0.225
Arab 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000
Foreign 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000
total 31 0.006 29 0.012 8,097,668 0.108 43,363,678.08 0.225
Waqf Jordanian 5 0.001 3 0.001 39,516 0.001 161,619.57 0.001
Arab 8 0.002 4 0.002 785,394 0.010 3,259,006.92 0.017
Foreign 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000
total 13 0.003 7 0.003 824,910 0.011 3,420,626.49 0.018
Associations Jordanian 8 0.002 1 0.000 310,184 0.004 1,021,701.82 0.005
Arab 2 0.000 2 0.001 896,960 0.012 3,691,593.60 0.019
Foreign 1 0.000 1 0.000 9,000 0.000 36,810.00 0.000
total 11 0.002 4 0.002 1,216,144 0.016 4,750,105.42 0.025
Religious Sects Jordanian 8 0.002 3 0.001 813,135 0.011 3,511,191.20 0.018
Arab 2 0.000 2 0.001 54,720 0.001 241,315.20 0.001
Foreign 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000
total 10 0.002 5 0.002 867,855 0.012 3,752,506.40 0.020
Total 4,534 0.914 1,542 0.622 4,760,389,967 63.386 14,850,668,273.06 77.176
Joint Joint Jordanian 158 0.032 146 0.059 115,035 0.002 269,458.58 0.001
Arab 11 0.002 11 0.004 11,382 0.000 21,298.93 0.000
Foreign 2 0.000 2 0.001 83,880 0.001 369,910.80 0.002
total 171 0.034 159 0.064 210,297 0.003 660,668.31 0.003
Total 171 0.034 159 0.064 210,297 0.003 660,668.31 0.003
Grand Total 495,940 100.000 247,837 100.000 7,510,184,656 100.000 19,242,674,638.74 100.000
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57