Investors Registers Analysis

Ownership Analysis in the Registers as of 23-11-2023
No. of Registers : 0
  Jordanian Arab Foreign Total
Deposited Shareholders
Shareholders 463,229 29,022 3,689 495,940
Investors 228,617 17,045 2,175 247,837
Accounts 253,867 18,594 2,367 274,828
Securities 5,058,523,295 1,869,990,291 581,671,070 7,510,184,656
Total Value 10,684,623,739.52 5,481,534,293.26 3,076,516,605.96 19,242,674,638.74
Non Deposited Shareholders
Shareholders 62,909 5,107 325 68,341
Securities 15,829,067 16,665,248 706,936 33,201,251
Total Value 33,772,350.09 69,079,311.19 2,905,236.91 105,756,898.19
Total Shareholders
Shareholders 526,138 34,129 4,014 564,281
Securities 5,074,352,362 1,886,655,539 582,378,006 7,543,385,907
Total Value 10,718,396,089.61 5,550,613,604.45 3,079,421,842.87 19,348,431,536.93
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57