General and Interim Provisions

Article (111) A- Notwithstanding the provisions of the Companies Law, the Commission shall assume the regulatory and supervisory responsibilities and duties provided for in the Companies Law 71 relevant to public shareholding companies and private shareholding companies trading their shares on the Financial Market. For this purpose, the Board shall assume the authorities of the minister and the Chairman shall assume the authorities of the controller provided for in this Law.
  B- All affairs relevant to the Commission’s assuming its regulatory and supervisory responsibilities and duties provided for in Paragraph (A) of this Article shall be specified by a regulation it issues for this purpose.
Article (112) Securities shall enjoy, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the following privileges:
  A- The finality and conclusiveness of securities trades in Financial Markets.
  B- Ownership rights and due prices in accordance with the Center’s accounts.

Irrevocability of the final settlement of trading contracts on the Financial Market.

Article (113) The Government ownership percentage in the Amman Stock ExchangeCompany shall not be at  any time less than (51%) of the Company’s capital.
Article (114) A- If the Board of Directors of the Financial Market or that of the Center resigns, or in case the quorum thereof is not met, or for any other reason pertaining to public or capital market interest, the Board may form a temporary management committee of experience and competence.
  B- The term of the committee referred to in Paragraph (A) shall be six months, renewable once. This committee shall be responsible for managing the Financial Market or the Center, calling upon invitations for its general assembly within that period to elect a new Board of Directors, in accordance with the by-laws of the Financial Market or the Center.
Article (115) A- The Commission may establish provident and housing funds for its employees and personnel, which funds shall be regulated by regulations issued for this purpose
  B- The Financial Market and the Center may establish provident and housing funds for their employees and personnel, which funds shall be regulated pursuant to the Financial Market and Center’s bylaws.
  C- The funds referred to in Paragraphs (A) and (B) of this Article shall have a legal personality.
Article (116) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Stamp Duties Law in force, prospectuses of securities, registration thereof, trading therein and any transactions related thereto shall be exempt from stamp duties.
Article (117) A- The Temporary Securities Law No. (23) for the Year 1997 and its amendments shall be repealed.
  B- Any provision stated in any other legislation, to the extent it is in conflict with the provisions of this Law and the regulations, instructions and decisions issued pursuant thereto, hereby is repealed
  C- All regulations, instructions and decisions issued pursuant to the Temporary Securities Law No. (23) for the Year 1997 shall remain in force until they are repealed or replaced by others.
  D- All by-laws and instructions issued by the Amman Stock Exchange and the Center shall remain in force until they are repealed or replaced by others.
Article (118) A- The Council of Ministers, upon the recommendation of the Board, shall issue the necessary regulations to implement the provisions of this Law, including the administrative and financial affairs, supplies and works affairs, and the affairs of the employees and personnel of the Commission, including the creation of incentives to assist them in directing their efforts towards achieving the 74 objectives of the Commission and enhancing professional standards.
  B- The Board shall issue the instructions and decisions necessary to implement the provisions of this Law.
Article (119) The Prime Minister and the Ministers shall be responsible for executing the provisions of this Law.


Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57