SMS Messages


Ref. :5034/2023
Date: 20/07/2023

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians
Dear General Manager,

Subject: SMS Messages

Aiming to strengthen effective communication with investors and expanding the electronic services provided by the SDC after launching the first phase of the SMS project which included notifying the investors with messages related to information of trading transactions conducted on the Exchange.

The SDC is pleased to inform you of launching the SMS project as of July 23td, 2023, the new phase shall include sending text messages of all types of transactions executed on the investors’ accounts such as securities transfers between accounts, corporate actions, and many other transactions via (SMS) to mobile numbers registered within the investor’s permanent address at the SDC database.

And since Members of Brokers and Custodians are considered partners in relation to provide this service to investors, representing the main communication channel between investors and capital market institutions. We kindly request to verify the validity of your clients' data entered on the SDC’s database, and in particular, your clients' mobile to enable the investor to benefit from this service.

Kind Regards,

Sarah Tarawneh
Chief Executive Officer