Electronic Mail Box (E-mail Address )

Ref. : 8/11/10786
Date: 17/07/2005

Memo No.

Members of the Securities Depository Center

Subject: Electronic Mail Box (E-mail Address)

In execution of the SDC’s policy in serving its members. We would like to inform you that the SDC has created a special electronic mail box (e-mail address) for each member in order to facilitate and accelerate the process for members in receiving correspondences and memos to allow them to take the necessary measures.

We will send you the connection procedure and the access process to enter the electronic mail box of your company; in addition to the user name and password. Please change the password to ensure the confidentiality of the information and data. 

Please inform your authorized employees responsible for accessing the electronic-mail box account of your company to check it daily in order for your esteemed company to view the correspondences and memos to enable you to undertake the necessary measures.

Finally, we wish to thank you for your continuous cooperation and support to better serve the Jordanian capital market.

Samir Jaradat

Chief Executive Officer