General Information

What are the SDC’s procedures to manage risks?

The SDC issued regulations and procedures to protect members from risks to assure the smooth functioning of the market:

  • Settlement cap for market participants commensurate with posted collaterals
  • Settlement bank.
  • Buy-in & sell-out measures.
  • Immediate suspension of trading for defaulting brokers.
  • SDC/ASE Tight Coupled Environment.
  • Operationally complaint with the recommendations of the Group of Thirty (G30) and best applied standards.
  • Setting up Recovery Disaster and Business Continuity Sites.

Does the SDC perform any netting and what types of netting (bilateral or multilateral), if any, are performed?

The SDC conducts clearing between buying brokers and selling brokers and the market. Thus, the net rights and obligations of each of the trading parties arising from trading contracts executed in T+0 are calculated, but financial settlements are based on multilateral netting.

Is there linkage between trading system at the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) and clearing & settlement systems at the SDC?

Yes, the Securities Depository Center (SDC) and in cooperation with the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) completed the procedures of electronic link between SDC's systems and trading system at the ASE on Sunday, March 22, 2009 through implementing an electronic system called Central Control Module (CCM) that is feed with SDC's data in order to control trading and reduce risks related to trade's transactions that in turn positively reflected on clearing and settlement process at the SDC and reduce risks in the Jordan Capital Market.

What is a clearing and settlement process?

Clearing: the process of calculating the net rights and obligations of Trading counter-parties arising from a trading contract, in order to deliver the securities or settle their price payments on the specified settlement date.
Settlement: the process by which a trading contract is completed with the final, unconditional transfer of securities from the seller to the buyer and the final settlement of p
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57