Inheritance transfers

Inheritance transfers take place in the event of the death of the owner of the securities, as the ownership of the securities is transferred from the inheritor to his eligible heirs based on the inheritance transfer request made by the heirs or one of them or the legal representative for any of them.


الفئة/ الفئات المستفيدة من الخدمة

The heirs of the deceased - natural persons

شروط الحصول على الخدمة

Securities owned by the inheritor must be free and deposited in the central registry at the Securities Depository Center and if they are under the control of a broker, they must be transferred to the central registry before the transfer process is carried out.

إجراءات/ خطوات تقديم الخدمة
  1. The person concerned or his legal representative must submit and sign the inheritance transfer request form in front of the competent employee at the center.
  2. The concerned employee verifies the existence of ownership of the inheritor and performs the inheritance transfer according to the argument of the inheritance inventory, which shows the share of each heir.
  3. Print the notice of inheritance transfer, stamp it with the stamp of the center, and hand it over to the heirs.
الوثائق المطلوبة وأماكن الحصول عليها
  1. An original or certified copy of the inheritance limitation argument or the exit argument (public or private).
  2. A copy of the death certificate of the decedent and documents proving his identity. If it is not possible to provide a copy of the proof of identity, the death certificate is sufficient.
  3. A letter of clearance (death) for the deceased from the Jordanian Income and Sales Tax Department.
  4. A copy of identity documents for all heirs.
  5. The authorized address of each heir.
  6. Fractional shares in the shares of the heirs shall be rounded up to the nearest integer or trading unit (if any) from the share of the heir or heirs present, or from the share of the principal in the case of a power of attorney authorizing the assignment.
وقت إنجاز الخدمة

60 minutes.

مكان/ أماكن تقديم الخدمة

Center headquarters.

المؤسسات الشريكة في تقديم الخدمة وأدوارها


رسوم الخدمة
  1. The center collects commissions for conducting the inheritance transfer transaction according to the following:
  2. (0.0015) Fifteen ten thousand of the market value of the shares.
  3. (0.0001) one in ten thousand of the market value of government bonds, bonds issued by public institutions and municipalities, and loan bonds
  4. (0.0001) one in ten thousand of the market value of Islamic financing sukuk.
  5. The center collects the commissions referred to in Clause (1) above from one party, with a minimum of (250) fils for each transfer instrument.
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57