The SDC introduces "Electronic Portfolio" Service

Date: 30/09/2018

The SDC announces the launch of a new service for investors in Jordanian securities under the name “e-portfolio” as of Monday 01/10/2018. The SDC seeks through this quality service to expand its service base and increase communication with investors in Jordanian securities and to keep them informed about their portfolios.

The CEO of the SDC, Mr. Khalil Nasser, said that this service enables investors to access their information, ownership and accounts of securities and all transactions executed thereto. This service can be accessed electronically through the SDC’s website

The information includes everything related to the investor and his personal data, his accounts of securities maintained with brokers and custodians, and his balances of securities which are updated on a daily basis based on the trading operations conducted through the ASE and the operations carried out through the SDC directly in addition to the statements of accounts shows trading (sell and buy), increase or decrease of capital and others, therefore urges investors to refer to the SDC to obtain the user name and password of the service to follow up their investments in securities.

It is noteworthy that the SDC was established by virtue of the Securities Law to register, deposit of securities, safekeeping, transfer of ownership and clearing and settlement. The SDC is the only entity in Jordan that is legally empowered to perform these tasks.

According to the law, the records of SDC are the legal evidence of ownership of the securities.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57