Golden Trophy for the Securities Depository Center

Date: 28/01/2007

The Securities Depository Center’s website ( was awarded with the golden trophy at The Jordan Web Awards Competition for Best Jordanian Website under the Governmental Organizations category, which was announced by the Jordan Web Awards committee and Media SCOPE at a ceremony held at Grand Hyatt Amman on the evening of Thursday, January 25, 2007.

The Chief Executive Officer Mr. Samir Jaradat stated that the website has been developed to enhance transparency and disclosure in the capital market of Jordan, where the site contains the latest information concerning SDC members which include public shareholding companies, brokers and custodians, in addition to enabling investors to follow-up their investments in securities through online account viewing provided through the site, knowing that the site is updated daily with the latest information regarding the Jordan securities market.

The SDC is keen on continuously developing its services through its website, and currently it’s working on providing a new mechanism to allow investors to complete applications for initial public offerings through the "electronic Initial Public Offering system e-IPO" as a part of its future plans for the current year.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57