Electronic Deeds to be Used for the First Time

Date: 17/10/2000

For the first time in Jordan, the Securities Depository Center (SDC) will begin using electronic deeds, Sunday, Oct. 22, 2000. The electronic deeds will create a more efficient and accurate trading environment.

Electronic deeds will replace the contracts that were previously done manually, reducing the possibility of human error. With the new system, brokers will enter the information about their clients in an electronic databank, before trading on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). Once the information has been entered, the client will be assigned a number that identifies him. Jordanians will use their national number, foreign investors and corporations will be assigned a 10-digit number. The electronic deeds allow transactions to be made confidentially, since the buyer does not know the seller's name and the seller does not know the buyer's name.

At the end of the trading day, the SDC will receive an electronic daily report from the ASE with all of the transactions that take place during that day. Once the file is obtained by the Securities Depository Center, they will issue the electronic deed in the purchaser's name. The deed contains the name of the issuer, the name of the buyer, their assigned numbers and the transactions that occurred. The SDC will then, deliver the contract to the issuers to ensure that the ownership is authentic.

"After 21 years of trading, the electronic deeds will be a breakthrough for Jordan's capital market. Making a transaction is safer than ever before," stated Samir Jaradat, Chief Executive Officer of the Securities Depository Center.

The Securities Depository Center was created in 1999 as part of the restructuring process of Jordan's capital market. The SDC is a private, non-profit institution that oversees the settlement and transfer of the ownership of securities. The registration includes client identification to ensure accurate records are maintained. In addition, electronic deeds are issued. These deeds contain all of the details regarding the transactions.

During the first year of operation, the SDC has simplified the processes of transferring the ownership of stocks. This procedure has established a reputation, both internationally and locally, as a safe and effective method for trading stocks. As well as, created public and investor confidence in Jordan's capital market. This restructuring process has ensured the Jordanian clearance and settlement system operates with maximum efficiency and minimum risk.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57