General Provisions

Article (14) A- The company shall provide the Director General with the following:-
    1. The policy of the company regarding the Internal Control and Supervision System, annually.
    2. List of names, qualifications and experiences of the audit committee.
    3. List of names, qualifications and experiences of the internal auditor.
    4. Copies of all the observations of the external auditor concerning the periodical auditing, within a period not exceeding three months as of the date of the commencement of the financial year.
    5. The report of the internal auditor including the conclusive statements of the company, provided that the report shall include the most important observations and conclusions of his dealings.
  B- The company shall notify the Director General immediately with any change or amendment occurring on any of items (2) or (3) of paragraph (A) of this Article.
Article (15) The company shall disclose the following:-
  A- The relationship between the chairman of the board of directors of the company and its general manager, if any.
  B- The organizational structure of the company including the structure of the board of directors and the executive management as well as their qualifications and experiences.
  C- The remuneration policy for every member of the board of directors of the company and the executive management.
  D- The main risks in the company and the risk management policy.
Article (16) If it becomes difficult, according to the election of the general assembly of the company, to elect one third of the board of directors from the independent members, the company shall notify the Director General with that. The Director General shall direct the company to take the appropriate procedures.
Article (17) The provisions of these Instructions shall be applied on the authorized manager and the branch of the foreign insurance company, as much as they are applicable and according to the decision to be issued by the Director General for this purpose.
Article (18) The company shall adjust its status in accordance with the provisions of these Instructions, within a period not exceeding one year as of the date the provisions of these Instructions came into force, provided that a plan shall be submitted to the Director General emphasizing the procedures to be followed by the company for purposes of adjusting its status pursuant to the provisions of these Instructions, within a period not exceeding three months as of the date of the commencement. The Director General may extend the adjustment period for a period not exceeding one year, if necessary.
Article (19) The Director General shall issue the Decisions necessary for implementing the provisions of these Instructions.


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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57