What are the rules applied at the SDC that govern the rights and obligations of members and the duties of the SDC?

The SDC is governed by the Securities Law and its by-laws and instructions which include:

  • The Internal By-Law of the Securities Depository Center.
  • The Internal By-Law of the Securities Depository Center’s Proceeds.
  • The Internal By-Law of the Settlement Guarantee Fund.
  • The Internal By-Law of the Membership and Code of Conduct.
  • The Instructions of the Registration, Deposit and Settlement of Securities.
  • The Instructions of the Disclosure of Information, Data and Records of the Securities Depository Center. 
  • The Instructions of the Registration, Deposit and Settlement of Sukuk. 

All the by-laws and instructions are available on the SDC website.

FAQS Taxonomy
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57