The SDC participates in the ANNA Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

Date: 14/06/2023

The Securities Depository Center (SDC) represented by the CEO, Mrs. Sarah Tarawneh, participated in the Ordinary General Meeting of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA), which was held in London - UK during 14-16/06/2023. The meeting was attended by (81) representatives of member states of ANNA from all over the world.

At the meeting, the GA discussed many key issues including update of strategic initiatives, approval of financials 2022, membership rules and other matters, services of ASB, elections, reports for working groups, status of ISO standards especially CFI and FISN, ISIN-LEI Link, public relations and marketing. The meeting also included two Breakout Sessions related to strengthening global harmonization and experiencing digital assets in local markets.

It is also worth mentioning that SDC participated in the “ANNA Meets the Market” event that was held at the London Stock Exchange Group, that included sessions and discussions from experts on sustainability, digital assets, common data dictionary (CDD) and common domain model (CDM), and the evolution of standards.

The SDC has been appointed as the National Numbering Agency for numbering for all issued securities in the Kingdom since 2004 and undertakes the tasks of numbering the securities in accordance with the international standards issued by the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) including the ISIN, CFI and FISN.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57