The Securities Depository Center and the National Centre for Security and Crisis Management sign the Disaster Recovery Site Hosting and Services Agreement

Date: 29/01/2017

The SDC has signed an agreement on Sunday, 29/01/2017 with the National Centre for Security and Crisis Management as an alternative backup site for the SDC's operations. The National Centre for Security and Crisis Management provide a safe environment prepared in high international standards for hosting the SDC's Disaster Recovery (DR) site.

This agreement come within a positive cooperation between public institutions, specialized technical capabilities also praised the National Centre for Security and Crisis Management in providing substantive and technical support specialist in the field of information technology, as one of the leading centers and specialized in this field.

The National Center for Security and Crisis Management is a result of high property vision based on the principle of coordination and unification of national efforts to address potential crises in the Kingdom.

The SDC signed this agreement to implement their business continuity and disaster recovery plan and have a developed and modern DR site fully equipped with the latest technology and means of communication. Also to give a positive impact on risk management evaluation by capital market institutions in general.

The National Centre for Security and Crisis Management is an unprofitable organization they have full high availability & secure solution environment based on best practices and high international standards for hosting Disaster Recovery (DR) site.

SDC has implemented his Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery strategy based on three sites (main Production site, Business Continuity site and Disaster Recovery site) using SAN to SAN Replication based on latest Cluster Technology.

The production site and the business continuity site are running on active - active online operation mode and accessible for participants at the same time based on Cluster & load balance technology.

The main site and the DR site Data Centers are Tier 4, however they have been implemented based on high availability, load balanced, clustered and secure infrastructure; staring from dual power electric generator until clustered servers and VMware applications. This meaning that they have all technical capabilities and resources with completely redundant and highly available infrastructure with high speed and redundant communication lines.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57