The SDC participates in the ANNA General Assembly Meeting

Date: 30/11/2016

The SDC represented by SDC’s Chairman, Mr. "Moh’d Said" Al-Hammami, Head of Legal Department, Mrs. Sarah Tarawneh, and Head of Members and Securities Department, Mr. Qusai Al – Qimary, participated in the Extraordinary General Meeting of ANNA, which was held in Bangkok - Thailand on 01-02/12/2016. The meeting was attended by (74) representatives of member states in ANNA from all over the world.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of ANNA read out his report on the attendance and the key issues that were discussed in the meeting including: a follow up on the implementation of the recommendations adopted at the previous meeting held in Yerevan - Armenia, June 01-02, 2016. The Chairman also presented an overview about the ANNA membership where it consists of (92) members and (26) partners representing (123) countries around the world. The members approved the mission statement revised by the ANNA Board. The GA decided that its membership has committed to 1 July 2017 as the date that the updated Classification of Financial Instruments standard (CFI – ISO 10962) and Financial Instrument Short Name standard (FISN - ISO 18774) will be adopted and allocated to financial instruments. An overview on ANNA’s marketing activities was presented and ASB operators report was discussed.

It also was determined that the ANNA Chairman seat and the two ASB Board seats will be opened for election during the next meeting that will be held in Malta on May 22 - 24, 2017.

The SDC also participated in the workshop which was held on 30/11/2016. The workshop included presentations on the main topics that govern the work of the association and its relationship with its members, the ANNA’s role in standardization. Additionally, it included presentations on the ISO standards (FISN and CFI), their structures, and practical examples of assigning them to the various types of securities.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57