The SDC participates in the ANNA General Assembly Meeting

Date: 01/06/2016

The SDC represented by Head of the Legal Department, Mrs. Sarah Tarawneh, and representative of the Research Department, Ms. Suha Alkhalil, participated in the Ordinary General Meeting of ANNA, which was held in Yerevan, Armenia, on June 01 - 03, 2016. This meeting was attended by (68) representatives of member states in ANNA from all over the world.

The General Assembly discussed many key issues in the meeting. The GA accepted the overall financial budget for year 2016. Nepal was accepted as ANNA full member while NASDAQ Dubai and Uzbekistan were accepted as ANNA partners. An overview on ANNA’s marketing activities was presented. ASB operators report was discussed in addition to the reports of the participating countries on the sideline of the meeting.

The SDC also participated in the workshop which was held on a day before the meeting. The workshop included presentations on the main topics that govern the work of the association and its relationship with its members. Additionally, it included presentations on the ISO standards (FISN and CFI), their structures, and practical examples of assigning them to the various types of securities.

It was determined that the next ANNA Extraordinary General Assembly meeting will be hosted, in Bangkok – Thailand, by Thailand Securities Depository Company from November 30 to December 02, 2016.

It is worth mentioning that the SDC is a member in ANNA since 2004 and it was selected as a numbering agency in Jordan for the allocating of International Security Identification Numbers (ISIN) for some capital markets in the Middle East. Also, note that ANNA is established in 1992 in order to unify identification of securities according to the international standard (ISO 6166). The membership of ANNA consists of all institutions related to the numbering of securities around the world where the total number of members of the association are (93) full members and (27) partners representing (122) countries around the world.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57