The SDC participates in the ANNA General Assembly Meeting

Date: 26/11/2010
The SDC represented by the CEO, Samir Jaradat, participated in the Extraordinary General Meeting of ANNA, which was held in Lima, Peru, in November 25 - 26, 2010. This meeting was attended by (22) ANNA members while (36) members were represented through Powers of Attorney, in addition to (11) representatives of securities depositories, stock exchanges and international clearing houses around the world.
At the beginning of the meeting, The Chairman of ANNA read out his report on the attendance and the key issues that were discussed in the meeting including: a follow up on the implementation of the recommendations adopted at the previous meeting held in Paris, France June 17-18, 2010. Three National Numbering Agencies were accepted as new ANNA partners which are Angola, Mongolia, and Nepal, raising up the total number of members of the association to (82) full members and (30) partners representing (122) countries around the world.
Samir Jaradat, as a board member and treasurer of the ANNA, reviewed in presentation the forecasted financial statements and its revenues and expenditures for 2011 which were discussed and voted upon. With regards to the Belgian tax issue, Jaradat noted that discussions are still ongoing and no new results were reached yet.
The meeting included presentations covered many topics, including:
  ISO 6166 Registration Authority Agreement: ANNA is currently working with ISO on the wording of a Service Level Agreement to formalize the interaction between both entities.
  The future ANNA Service Bureau (ASB): Where the current situation of the Bureau was evaluated and many ideas that would improve the performance of the Bureau in the future were put forward.
Status and Implementation of ISO Standards: The importance of ISO Standards and their promotion within local markets were stressed during the meeting, and a summary of the Standards relevant to ANNA activities was presented to the members. These Standards are ISO 6166 (ISIN), ISO 10962 (CFI); ISO 18773 & 18874 (FISN and Abbreviations); and ISO 16372 (IGI).
It also was determined that the ANNA Chairman seat and the two ASB Board seats will be opened for election during the next meeting that will be held in Toronto, Canada in June 23 - 24, 2011.
The SDC also participated in the workshop which was held on November 24, 2010 the workshop included a presentation on the history of ANNA and its mission, objectives, organizational structure and membership. During the workshop, Samir Jaradat, as Vice President of the Africa & Middle East Depositories Association (AMEDA), gave a presentation on the association’s establishment, its mission, activities and its members.
The main topic discussed at the workshop was the role of the ANNA in implementing ISO standards including: FISN, CFI, and ISIN. Also, the ANNA Service Bureau (ASB) disseminated information on the International Securities Identification Numbering (ISIN) to the participants in the workshop, in addition to a presentation on marketing activities.
At the end, the workshop determined the topics that will be raised at the next meeting of the General Assembly.
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57