The SDC wins the membership of the (ANNA)'s Board of Directors

Date: 04/06/2009

The SDC won the membership of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA)'s board of directors along with Argentina and Germany during the elections that took place on Thursday in the Republic of Malta, as the SDC’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Samir Jaradat declared.

Therefore, the SDC is considered the only Jordanian and Arab center that wins the membership of the global institution mentioned. This meeting was attended by the members of ANNA which are from 76 countries in the world who duly voted by virtue of ANNA's by-law.

It is worth mentioning that the SDC is a member in ANNA since 2004 and it was selected as a numbering agency in Jordan for the allocating of International Security Identification Numbers (ISIN) for some capital markets in the Middle East. Also, note that ANNA is established in 1992 in order to unify identification of securities according to the international standard (ISO 6166). The membership of ANNA consists of all institutions related to the numbering of securities around the world.

Samir Jaradat, stressed that the representation of the SDC in the membership of the Board of Directors of ANNA comes from the SDC concerns to implement the international standards. All of that make the SDC as a model since it is a positive step leading securities depository centers in the Middle East.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57