Extraordinary General Meeting of ANNA held in Jordan


Date: 09/12/2011

ANNA is pleased to share with the financial community an overview of the main topics that were discussed during the last General Meeting of the Association, which was held in Jordan, on December 8&9, 2011. The meeting was hosted by SDC (Securities Depository Center), the Jordanian National Numbering Agency.

During the meeting, the ANNA Chairman gave an overview of the activities and key areas managed by the Board since the last General Meeting (June 2011). Presentations on different topics were given, and a number of key resolutions were passed.

The main agenda items are detailed below:

  • ISO 6166 Registration Authority Agreement: The bilateral agreement with ISO was executed in July 2011, and the relationship between ANNA and ISO has been formalized.
  • The future ANNA Service Bureau (ASB): The ANNA Membership empowered the ANNA Board to conclude discussions with the ASB Operators and finalize all necessary Service Level Agreements prior to the next ANNA General Meeting that will be held in June 2012. A Letter of Understanding containing the main features of the service has already been executed, and the final agreement is now in the final stages of the revision process, which is expected to lead to its formal conclusion and execution in the first quarter of 2012.

    Other Standards in scope - ISO 17442 - Legal Entity Identifier: ANNA has been collaborating with SWIFT in the implementation process of the LEI Standard, and a survey was conducted by the ANNA Board prior to the General Meeting to do a research on the level of commitment each NNA wishes to have in the project. During the meeting, a presentation was given, and a discussion took place among the ANNA Members regarding the participation that the NNAs could have in this new initiative. 

  • ANNA Governance: The ANNA Membership Guidelines were adopted during the meeting. This document contemplates different situations and establishes criteria and norms to clarify ANNA Member’s rights and key obligations.
  • Relationship with ISO: ANNA was granted with ‘Liaison A’ status within the ISO Technical Committee 68-TC68 (Financial Services). This will allow ANNA to participate in meetings and conference calls where technical and strategic aspects of the different financial standards will be discussed.

    A workshop for new members and partners was also organized, and took place on December 7th. This training conference was very productive for the Arabic countries, considering this was the first time that an ANNA Workshop was given in the Middle East.
    The next General Meeting of the Association will be held in London on June 14&15, 2012, hosted by London Stock Exchange. During this meeting ANNA will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary.

    Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57