Agreement Signed Between Income & Sales Tax Department and the SDC

Date: 08/03/2006

Yesterday, an agreement was signed between the Income & Sales Tax Department and the Securities Depository Center (SDC) in which the SDC will notify the decisions to place or release liens issued by the Income & Sales Tax Department to the SDC members; i.e. public shareholding companies, broker and custodians. The agreement was signed by Mr. Eyad Kodah, the Director General of the Income & Sales Tax Department and Samir Jaradat, SDC CEO.

The SDC has put in place the necessary technical infrastructure to perform this task by providing each member with a special mailbox to which decision by the Income & Sales Department are sent to the members electronically. This will help enable members to take the necessary measures with speed. The members will be solely responsible for the execution of those decisions to the non-deposited part of the shareholders' registers.

This new mechanism will provide accuracy and speed in notifying decisions regarding placing/releasing liens issued by the Income & Sales Tax Department and its execution to the benefit of both parties and the public interest in addition this technique with enable members to view all the decisions and put them into execution.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57