Chapter Nine General Provisions

Article (127) Other Parties’ rights over any deposited Security shall arise upon the authentication of such right in the concerned securities Accounts.
Article (128) A- The Center’s Members shall be considered in approval and in agreement with the use of the electronic means adopted by the Center since its establishment.
  B- The Center shall be considered the entity authorized to authenticate information, data, transactions and correspondences that occur through the electronic means used by it.
Article (129) The Members shall abide by the by-laws and instructions and procedures issued by the Center. The Center shall have the right to carry out inspection on its Members in matters related to the Center’s operations. The Members shall facilitate the task of the Center’s personnel authorized to conduct inspections and provide the Center’s authorized personnel with the documents and information that are deemed suitable to perform their duties.
Article (130) If the Issuer violates any of its obligations in accordance with the by-laws, instructions and procedures issued by the Center, the Center may take the necessary measures including the suspension of services provided to that Issuer. The Center may also request the Commission to suspend Trading in any of the securities issued by such Issuer.
Article (131) The Member shall inform the Center of any information or data necessary to execute any record in the Center’s registers upon its occurrence.
Article (132) The Center shall have the right to suspend any of the services it provides to a Member in the case where a Member defaults on the fulfillment of any obligations that result or may result by virtue of the by-laws, instructions and decisions issued by the Center, including the non-fulfillment of any of the Member’s financial obligations to the Center.
Article (133) A- The Market shall notify the Center in writing and before the listing or re-listing of any security to ascertain that the Issuer of that security has fulfilled all the requirements of the Center.
  B- The Market shall provide the Center with the required information and data, especially the following:
    1. The date of the listing of any new securities.
    2. The date of transferring securities between different market categories.
    3. New Brokers that will be permitted to perform brokerage activities in the Market.
Article (134) A- Upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, in accordance with circumstances that he deems appropriate, the Board of Directors may alter and amend the timings specified in these Instructions from time to time. The Center shall notify the commission, the Market and all the concerned entities of such changes.
  B- In emergency cases the Chief Executive Officer may alter or amend the timings specified in these Instructions for a specific period of time. All related entities shall be informed accordingly.
Article (135) It shall be prohibited to execute any transfer or change of ownership to securities if said securities are subject to pledge, lien or any ownership restriction.
Article (136) A- Transfer of ownership for “non-traded “securities and transaction excluded from trading through the market shall occur instantly at the day of fulfilling transaction requirements.
  B- The person to whom the Securities were transferred in any of the transactions excluded from trading through the market or any “non-traded “securities transfers operations shall be deemed the lawful owner of such securities as of the day of transfer regardless of the transfer time.
  C- All corporate actions and ownership entitlements including but not limited to cash dividends or Bonus shares or interests or refunds, are the right of the transferee as of the date of the transfer of ownership.
Article (137) If any entity using the Center’s Electronic System lost connection with the Center’s System or such connection was interrupted for any reason, it may use the back-up computers assigned by the Center for emergency use for the purpose of the continuation of the operations of a Broker or Custodian.
Article (138) Members shall adjust their circumstances in accordance with these Instructions including depositing securities by virtue of the decisions issued by the Board of Directors for this purpose.
Article (139) The following identification documents shall be accepted by the Center subject to the documents being valid:
  A- The personal card and the passport containing the national identification number issued by the Civil Status and Passport Departments in the Kingdom of Jordan for Jordanian natural persons.
  B- Military appointment certificate containing the full name and national identification number for Jordanian Military persons.
  C- Family book or birth certificate for Minors.
  D- Certificate of Registration issued by the official competent authorities or the constitutional Bylaw or Law as the case may be for the Jordanian judicial entities.
  E- The passport for non-Jordanian natural persons.
  F- The certificate of registration or any documents issued from competent authorities that prove judicial personality for non-Jordanian judicial persons.
Article (140) Documents issued by official competent authorities, whether from inside or outside the Kingdom which are provided to the Center for the purposes of transferring ownership in any of the transactions excluded from trading through the market or any “non-traded “securities transfers operations or in Pledge operations, shall meet the requirements and provisions stated in the executive procedures issued by the Center, including but not limited to inheritance deeds, waiver deeds and Powers of Attorney.
Article (141) A- The Center shall register non-Jordanian securities in compliance with the provisions of these Instructions, and in accordance with the agreements signed for this purpose. Provided that such Securities are registered at the Commission.
  B- The Center shall conduct Clearing and Settlement for Trading Contracts executed in the Market for non-Jordanian securities in accordance with these Instructions.
Article (142) The Chief Executive Officer shall specify the Center’s personnel authorized to sign any statements or documents issued by the Center according to the provisions of these instructions.
Article (143) Upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors shall issue the executive procedures necessary to execute the provisions of these instructions.
Article (144) The Board of Directors shall issue the decisions necessary to execute these Instructions.
Article (145) A- The Instructions of Registration, Deposit and Settlement of Securities for the Year 2004 shall be deemed repealed upon these Instructions becoming effective.
  B- The Executive Procedures issued by the Center in accordance with the Instructions mentioned in paragraph (A) of this article shall remain valid until repealed or replaced accordingly.


Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57