Chapter One Definitions

The Internal By-Law of the Membership and Code of Conduct for the Year 2004

Issued Pursuant to Articles (80) & (83/A) of the Securities Law No. (76)
for the Year 2002

Article (1) This By-Law shall be called the “Internal By-Law of the Membership and Code of Conduct for the Year 2004” and shall come into effect as of 12/5/2004.

Chapter One

Article (2) A- The following words and expressions used in this By-Law shall have the meanings ascribed thereto hereunder unless the context indicates otherwise:
    The Law : The Securities Law in force.
    The Commission : The Securities Commission.
    The Board : The Board of Commissioners of the Commission.
    The Center : The Securities Depository Center.

The Board of Directors

: The Center’s Board of Directors.
    The Chief Executive Officer : The Center’s Chief Executive Officer.
    The Market/Stock Exchange : The Amman Stock Exchange or any Trading Market in Securities licensed by the Commission.
    The Broker : The juristic person licensed by the Commission as a financial broker or dealer.
    The Custodian :

The juristic person licensed by the Commission to provide safe custody for securities.

    The Public Issuer : The Issuer who has filed a prospectus that has become effective with the Commission.
    The Member : The Center’s Member.
  B- The words and expressions not defined in this By-Law shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Law unless the context indicates otherwise.



Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57