Yes, the SDC provides various electronic services through its website to the investors to enhance moving from paper to electronic environment that in turn, reduce time, effort and tangible costs which include ePortfolio, electronic initial public offering and web services for extracting statistical data.

In an effort by the SDC to expand its service base and increase communication with investors and dealers in Jordanian securities and to enable them continuously to view and follow up their investment portfolios and any updates that occur thereto, the SDC has launched a text messaging service (SMS) via the investors’ mobile phones.

The SDC does not receive any fees for providing the electronic services.

It is one of the electronic services that the SDC provides through its website, and this service enables investors to follow up with their portfolios and view his basic data and information related to his deposited securities’ accounts whether his accounts whether his accounts at the SDC’s central registry or accounts maintained by SDC members (brokers or custodians) and obtain statements or documents regarding his ownership. This service also enables the investor to view all transactions executed to his accounts.

This service “e-portfolio” can be accessed electronically through the SDC’s website www.sdc.com.jo, then click on Eservices.

To get this free service, fill the “E-portfolio Subscription Form” then please visit the SDC to hand this form and obtain your own username and password.

It is one of the electronic services provided by the SDC to investors via their mobile phones, through which the investor is informed of the completed trading transactions on their accounts with financial brokers on a daily basis.

The e-IPO service is an internet application service provided by the SDC through the website to allow investors to subscribe to purchase securities through Public Offerings by electronically completing subscription forms that are available on the website and printing them, which allows the investor to complete the subscription procedures accurately and easily to reduce time and effort.

The investor who has the SDC number, which is:
The National Identification Number for a Jordanian natural person issued by the Civil Status and Passport Department or a unique number issued by the SDC for other entities.

The procedures are outlined in specific instructions available on the SDC’s website.

This service enables each SDC member to view his information available on the SDC database to check the accuracy, correctness, and completeness of the information and allows them to update this information online with a possibility of attaching the supporting documents of the required modifications electronically.

The SDC provides each member with his own username and password upon his request to activate this service.

The daily data is updated at the end of the daily work, in addition to the periodic data that is updated monthly and annually.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57