Student Delegation from the Philadelphia University visits Jordan Capital Market Institutions

Date: 06/11/2018

The Jordan capital market institutions, represented by Jordan Securities Commission, Amman Stock Exchange, and Securities Depository Center, received a student delegation from the Philadelphia University on 06/11/2018 to had general view about the most prominent accomplishments and developments have achieved by the Jordan capital market and to touch the spirt of practical application for the procedures related to securities.

The SDC took a part in reception of the student delegation. Mr. Alaa Malhas, the head of studies and external research section, presented background history about Jordan capital market, and comprehensive view about SDC establishment, goals, and tasks “safekeeping, depositing, transferring of securities and clearing and settlement”. Delivery versus Payment was explained as fundamental international principle embodied in clearing and settlement tasks, hereby delivery of sold securities is against payment of funds. The SDC is seeking to develop the capital market according to the latest International standards, protect investors, and to enhance its approach in transparency and disclosure to provide the investors with the necessary information to make a sound investment decision.

An open fruitful discussion related to all aspects of the Jordan capital market and its institutions functions where the last stage of the delegation visit.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57