Membership Termination of the Jordan Marble Co.


Ref. :8/11/2545
Date: 09/05/2019

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Membership Termination of the Jordan Marble Co.

Kindly be informed that the membership of the Jordan Marble Company has been terminated at the SDC as a result of transformation of its legal form where the company was changed from public shareholding company to private shareholding company.
The SDC record of the Jordan Marble Company is as follows:
Registration No. Institution No. Company Name
Security No.
440 200088582 Jordan Marble Co. JO4122111019 141221

Kind Regards,

Khalil Naser

Chief Executive Officer
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57