Re-calculation of the Cash Contributions


Ref. :8/11/2583
Date: 31/05/2015

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Re-calculation of the Cash Contributions

As the SDC re-calculate the cash contribution amounts for brokers, members of the Settlement Guarantee Fund, every three months at the end of March, June, September and December of each year and in case the brokers desire to transfer the amounts resulted from the re-calculation of the cash contributions to another bank account instead the approved one for settlement purposes, please be informed that you are required to provide the SDC with the following:
1. A letter contains a request from the SDC to transfer the amounts resulted from the re-calculation of the cash contributions to the required bank account including bank’s name, branch, and IBAN.
2. The letter mentioned in point (1) shall be signed by the authorized signatory (s) of the financial brokerage company, with notarization from a local bank of the company signature.
3. An authorized signatory (s) certificate of the brokerage company that is newly issued with a maximum of a month period.

Kind Regards 

Khalil Naser
/Chief Executive Officer

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57