Custodian System

Ref. : 8/10/20178
Date: 14/12/2005

Memo No.
Brokers & Custodians, Members of the Securities Depository Center
Subject: Custodian System
In its continuous efforts to develop the Jordan Capital Market, the Securities Depository Center of Jordan (SDC) has developed a special electronic system specifically for local custodians called the "Custodian System". This system will enhance the role of custodian in the market and will be applied as of January 2, 2006.
In accordance with Article (32) of the Instructions of the Registration, Deposit and Settlement of Securities, the custodian will use the Custodian System to identify and establish accounts for his clients, safe-keep their securities, transfer deposited securities between accounts, enquire about the movements and balances of his clients deposited securities and release securities to selling broker and receive securities from the buying broker on behalf of his clients.

The Custodian System will enable custodians to:
Identify clients and establish accounts for them on the SDC database.
Transfer client’s securities from the client’s central registry account to the client’s account under his control.
Establish client accounts with brokers related to their accounts maintained by the custodian.
Transfer deposited securities from the client’s accounts with the broker to his account maintained by the custodian and vise versa as follows.
Make enquiries regarding movements and balances of clients’ deposited securities.

Thank you for your cooperation for the benefit of the Jordan capital market.

Samir Jaradat

Chief Executive Officer
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57