Website Services


Ref. : 8/11/13157
Date: 27/07/2006

Memo No.

Brokers & Custodians, Members of the Securities Depository Center

Subject: Website Services

It is our pleasure to announce the introduction of a new service that enables investors to follow up their investments in Jordanian securities and view their balances and account statements of deposited securities and the transactions that have occurred thereto at the account level; i.e. the investor’s account maintained by the concerned member.This service will be initiated as of Sunday August 6, 2006.

Consequently, both the “Brokers” and “Custodians” Systems have been updated to enable the member to provide this new service to his clients wishing to benefit from it. This service will be free of charge where the broker will, using the system, electronically request the SDC to provide him with the username and password for his clients wishing to obtain this service. After the broker enters the request and posts it using the special screen designed for this purpose under “Clients” “Website Services”, the SDC will print sealed envelops that contain the username and password for each of his client which will be delivered to the concerned member who in turn will deliver it to the client.

It worth noting that this new service of viewing the accounts through the SDC website by using the username delivered to the investors is done without holding the SDC or the concerned member responsible as a result of this access. For more information regarding this service, kindly visit our website at

We anticipate your cooperation in presenting this free service to your clients for the public interest.

Thank you for your cooperation for the benefit of the Jordan capital market.

Samir Jaradat

Chief Executive Officer


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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57