Part Fifteen Penalties

Article (278)
Acts of Persons that are Penalized with Imprisonment of One to Three Years and a Fine of One to Ten Thousand Dinars
Any person who commits any of the following acts shall be liable to be penalized by imprisonment from one to three years, and by a fine not less than one thousand Dinars and not more than ten thousand Dinars:
Issuing shares, share certificates, or delivering them to their owners, or offering them for negotiation, prior to the approval of the Company's Memorandum of Association, and the approval of the founding of the company, or permitting the company to increase its authorized capital before announcing that in the Official Gazette.
Making fictitious subscriptions for shares, or accepting subscriptions therefore in an illusory or unreal manner for non-existent or unreal Companies.
Issuing corporate bonds and offering them for negotiation prior to its maturity, in a manner which violates the provisions of this Law.
Preparing the balance sheet of any company and its profit and loss account in a manner which does not reflect reality, or incorporating in the report of the Company's Board of Directors or in the its auditors’ report incorrect statements, and conveying to its General Assembly incorrect information, or concealing information and clarifications, which should be clearly declared by the force of Law, with the intention of concealing the real status of the Company from the shareholders or other concerned parties.
Distribution of profits which are fictitious or incompatible with the real position of the Company.
The penalties stipulated in paragraph (a) of this Article shall be applied to any person who is involved in the crimes indicated therein and is the instigator therefore.
Article (279) 
The Penalty of a Public Shareholding Company, Limited Partnership in Shares, Limited Liability Company and Private Shareholding Company Upon Violating the Provisions of this Law
Should a Public Shareholding Company, a Limited Partnership in Shares, a Limited Liability Company or a Private Shareholding Company commit any violation to the provisions of this Law, it shall be penalized by a fine not less than one thousand Jordanian Dinars and not more than ten thousand Jordanian Dinars, along with nullification of the violating act if the Court deems so.
Should it appear that any one of the Companies stated in paragraph (a) of this Article did not maintain proper books of account prior to its liquidation, then its manager and auditor shall be deemed guilty of a crime and shall be penalized by imprisonment for a period not less than one month and not more than one year.
Notwithstanding any tougher penalty stipulated in another law, each person who deliberately obstructs auditors or persons charged by the Minister or the Company's Controller from realizing their duties specified pursuant to the provisions of this Law or their examination of its books and registers or refrains from submitting the information and clarifications required by same shall be punished with a fine of not less than one thousand Dinars and not more then ten thousand Dinars.
Article (280)
The Penalty of the Auditor Violating the Provisions of this Law
An auditor who violates the provisions of this Law by submitting reports or statements incompatible with the real position of the Company which he audited, shall be deemed to have committed a crime, and shall be penalized therefore by imprisonment for a period not less than six months and not more than three years, or by a fine of not less than one thousand Dinars or by both penalties, and that shall not preclude subjecting him to the penalties provided for under the auditing profession laws in force.
Article (281)
The Penalty of Partners in General Partnership and Limited Partnership Companies who Defaults on Executing any Amendments to the Company Articles of Association
  Every general partner in a General Partnership or in a Limited Partnership, who defaults on executing the amendments made to the Company's Articles of Association, shall be penalized with a fine amounting to one Jordanian Dinar per day for each day the default continues to exist after the lapse of one month from the date of occurrence of such change.
Article (282) The Penalty Imposed on Violations of this Law’s Provisions or any Regulation or Order Issued in Pursuance that have no Penalties Imposed thereof
  Any person who commits any violation of any provisions of this Law or any regulation or any order issued pursuant thereto, for which no penalty has been assigned, shall be liable to pay a fine not less than one hundred Dinars and not more than one thousand Dinars.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57