Updating the Website Data


In execution of the SDC policy in presenting services and providing recent information about capital market , The SDC in the first quarter of this year will update its website on the internet, to provide new services and further information of interest to investors and researchers, and the availability to access your  company website (if there is any) from the SDC new website.

Therefore the information of the SDC members of public shareholding companies mentioned in the attached table no.(1), as the following:

 The main headquarters company address as follows:   
 Postal Code

Securities (shares) data , which includes the following:
Security No.
Security Name
 Nominal Value
 Security Type 
 Security Status
Traded Security
 Total Securities
  • List of shareholders who own 5% more of the company.

At the same framework, The SDC will update the data relevant to the  Board of Directors and their representatives in the public shareholding companies  in accordance with attached table no.(2), which was provided to the SDC before on the basis of the provisions of article (7 / a) The Internal By-Law of the Membership and Code of Conduct

We would like to confirm this field referring to Paragraph (B) of article (7), which show that public shareholding companies responsibility and commitment to notify SDC in writing with out delay any occurred changes of any of the previous mentioned data.

Based on the foregoing, please instruct those who need to review the information contained in attached (1) and (2) to take the necessary measures, in terms of correct and / or update, and provide us with during a maximum period of one week from today.

sdc ref id
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57