Chapter Three Code of Conduct

Article (25)

The Member shall abide by the Law, by-laws, instructions and resolutions issued pursuant thereto including the by-laws, instructions and resolutions in force at the Center.



Article (26)

It shall be prohibited under legal liability for any Member:



To spread or promote rumors or provide misleading or incorrect information, data or declarations in relation to the Center’s operations and its Members.



To behave in any manner which might harm the reputation of the Center or any other Member or to degrade it.



Use the securities of the clients in safe custody for his personal benefit or gain.



Disclose secrets of shareholders or clients.


Article (27)

The Member shall provide the financial, technical, human and financial resources necessary to execute and organize its activities and operations in accordance with the Law, by-laws, instructions and decisions issued pursuant thereto including the by-laws and instructions in force at the Center.



Article (28)

It shall be prohibited for any Member to include in any of the agreements it concludes any provision that restricts its obligations imposed by virtue of the Law, by-laws, instructions and resolutions issued pursuant thereto.



Article (29)

The management of the Member shall bear the full responsibility of the actions of its employees that violate the provisions of the Law, by-laws, instructions and resolutions issued pursuant thereto.



Article (30)

The Members shall protect the information related to each of them that enables them to access the Center’s electronic systems and not to use any software until after making certain of its safety and that it does not affect the Center’s electronic systems.



Article (31)

The Members shall inform the Center upon the occurrence of any violation of the intellectual property rights of the Center’s electronic systems or any default or misuse of the Center’s systems or the possibility of the existence of any software that might influence the information and data maintained in those computers or software.


Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57