The Securities Depository Center introduces “SMS Massages” service to protect investor rights

Based on the SDC’s seeking to expand its service base and increase the outreach to investors of Jordanian securities and keep them informed of their portfolios on an ongoing basis, the SDC will launch in the coming period a service to provide text messages via mobile phones for investors (SMS) that aims to protect their rights in two phases. The first phase, which enables the investors to follow the completed trading operations on their accounts, is the sale and /or purchase of securities on the Amman Stock Exchange. The second phase includes the development of the service, so the investors can follow all transactions that are made on their accounts such as transfers, corporate actions, ownership restrictions, etc.

Therefore, the SDC urges investors to refer to their brokers to update their personal data especially mobile phone data, on which text messages will be sent.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57