Chapter One Definitions

The Internal By-Law of the Securities Depository Center for the Year 2017

Issued Pursuant to Article (76) of the Securities Law No. (18) for the Year 2017


Article (1)

This By-Law shall be called the "Internal By-Law of the Securities Depository Center for the Year 2017" and shall come into effect as of 26/10/2017.


Chapter One



Article (2)


The following words and expressions used in this By-Law shall have the meanings ascribed thereto hereunder unless the context indicates otherwise:


The Law


The Securities Law in force.


The Commission


The Securities Commission.


The Board


The Board of Commissioners of the Commission.


The Center


The Securities Depository Center.


The Board of Directors


The Center’s Board of Directors.


The Chief Executive Officer


The Center’s Chief Executive Officer.


The Market/Stock Exchange


The Amman Stock Exchange or any trading market in securities licensed by the Commission.


The Broker


The juristic person licensed as a financial broker or dealer.


The Custodian


The legal person licensed by the Commission to provide safe custody for securities.


The Public Issuer


The Issuer who has filed a prospectus that has become effective with the Commission.


The Member


The Center’s member.



The words and expressions not defined in this By-Law shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Law unless the context indicates otherwise.



Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57