Closing the SDC's Branch in Irbid


Ref. :8/11/1376
Date: 13/03/2013

Memo No.

Members of SDC 
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Closing the SDC's Branch in Irbid 

Later to our memo no. (36/2007) dated 10/06/2007 regarding opening the SDC's branch in Irbid and according to the decision of the SDC's Board of Directors no. (129/2012) dated 10/12/2012 to close the SDC's branch in Irbid in order to rationalize spending and reduce expenditures, please be informed that it was decided to move all the SDC's operations that were conducted in the Irbid branch to the SDC's headquarter in the capital market building, Arajan district as of Sunday morning 17/03/2013. These operations are:
Inheritance and family transfers excluded from trading.
Investor identification and accounts set-up of non-Jordanians investors and judicial entities.
Change investors' information.
Issuance of ownership notifications of deposited securities and investors' statements of accounts investors.
Kindly circulate this to your clients and shareholders.
Thank you for your cooperation.

King Regards,

Khalil Naser
/Chief Executive Officer

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57