The end of the contract of the CEO of the SDC


Ref. : 8/11/6414
Date: 20/12/2012


Memo No.

Members of the Securities Depository Center

Subject: The end of the contract of the CEO of the SDC

Due to the contract of the CEO (Samir Jaradat) will not renew for another period thus; the CEO's duties and responsibilities will end at the termination date of his contract with SDC as of Dec. 31, 2012.

Therefore, the deputy CEO, Mr. Khalil Nasser, will be performing the duties of the vacant position of the CEO, managing the affairs of the SDC as of Jan. 1, 2013.

I hereby would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to all SDC members of Public shareholding companies, brokers and custodians for their support and cooperation, since SDC's establishment and throughout the coming years.

The collaboration of their efforts made it easier for the SDC to build up a stable investing environment in the Jordanian Capital Market.

Since the SDC commenced operation in the year 2000 up till now, this institution was able to reserve an outstanding position in the depository industry amongst Capital Markets all over the world, and had been well recognized in a short period of time.

We had been able to attain the development, technical and operational progress of settlement and custody operations in the Jordanian Capital Market through a cycle of legislation and procedures set into electronic systems to maintain a stable, up to date, standardized measures to assure the safety and credibility of all SDC operations.

Many plans and projects were implemented, that contribute to the effectiveness and the transparency of the Market, which were supported by the Regulatory Authority in the Jordanian Capital Market.

Furthermore, we couldn’t have achieved and sustained this environment without the support of the boards of Commissioners of the JSC, the Succeeded boards of the SDC, as well as the teamwork of the SDC staff who worked hard throughout the years for the welfare of this institution and the sake of the Jordan.

I thank you all, and wish the SDC of Jordan prosperous and successful years to come, contributing in the benefit of the Jordanian Economy under the patronage of his majesty King Abdullah the second.

Yours sincerely,

Samir Jaradat
Chief Executive Officer



Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57