مركز إيداع الأوراق المالية يشارك بفاعليات اجتماع Global Payment Week

Date : 13/12/2022

The Securities Depository Center (SDC) represented by Head of Clearing and Settlement Section, Mr. Jafar Alswelmein, participated in the meeting of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchange (FEAS) entitled “Capital Market talks”, which was held in Cairo – Egypt during 12-13/12/2022. The meeting was attended by (40) participants to discuss the capital market trends, events, threats and opportunities.

The General Assembly discussed many key issues in the meeting including 2022 activities performance and 2023 action plan, approval of 2022 financials and budget proposal for 2023.

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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57