
The SDC’s Rating is A+ by Thomas Murray
The SDC wins the membership of ANNA's Board of Directors
Boards of director’s and representatives’ ownership trades of securities available through our website
Names of investors holding a stake of above 1% available through our website
SDC opens its second branch in Irbid City specialized to provide various investor’s services
The SDC provides the e-IPO service through its website
The opening of a new branch for the SDC in Shmeissani specialized to provide various investor’s services
Obtain statements of account through our website
Application of pledge system through banks
Investment in Jordan is Jihad in money and Building future generations
The SDC is developing the local and wide area network
Applying the Settlement Guarantee Fund By-Laws
Transferring shareholder registers to the SDC and depositing authenticated shares
Implementing Delivery versus Payment
SDC accepted as a member in the RTGS-JO
Ownership certificates of authenticated shares are cancelled - dematerialization
Only shares deposited at the SDC can be traded, transferred and pledged
Owning non-deposited shares prevents you from performing trades, transfers & pledge
Request the registrars to complete your data and be deposited at the SDC
Cash Settlement via Central Bank of Jordan

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57