Part Ten Exempt Companies

Article (211)  
Definition of the Company and Acts Prohibited to be carried out
An Offshore Company is a Public Shareholding Company, a Limited Partnership in Shares or a Limited Liability Company or a Private Shareholding which is registered in the Kingdom and carries out its operations outside the Kingdom. The word (Exempt Company) shall be added to the name of the said Company.
An Offshore Company shall be prohibited from offering its shares for public subscription in the Kingdom.
Article (212)  
Registration of the Company, its Capital and its Objectives
An Offshore Company shall be registered with the Controller in a register specially prepared for Jordanian Companies operating outside the Kingdom. The capital of such a Company should not be less than the minimum limit set in the related legislations if its activity is in the field of Banks or financial institutions.
Article (213)  
Article (214)  
Registration Procedures, Company's Operations, Registration Fees and its Supervision
The provisions and special conditions relating to the founding of an Offshore Company and its operations, the fees due by it and the supervision thereof shall be determined by a regulation to be issued in accordance with this Law.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57