First Commitment to Corporate Governance

1)  Commitment to Corporate Governance
  i)  The Bank has compiled this Code, which has been approved by the Bank’s Board and is published. An up-to-date version of the Code is available to the public on request and on the Bank’s website.
  ii)  The Bank has formed a corporate governance committee of the Board,  comprising  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  and  two  of  the non-executive Directors, to direct the preparation, updating, and implementation of the Code.
  iii)  The Bank on an annual basis publicly reports its compliance with the Code, where necessary detailing how each provision of the Code has been implemented and, where relevant, where and why the Bank’s executive management has adopted procedures that are different from those recommended by the Code.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57