Completion of the Share Capital Decrease of the National Oil and Electricity Production from Oil Shale Co.


Ref. : 6248/2020
Date: 24/12/2020 

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians 

Dear General Manager, 


Subject: Completion of the Share Capital Decrease of the National Oil and Electricity Production from Oil Shale Co.


Kindly be informed that the SDC has completed the process of decreasing the share capital of the Share Capital Decrease of the National Oil and Electricity Production from Oil Shale Co. on Thursday 24/12/2020 to redeem (2,500,000) JOD/share of the company’s accumulated losses as of 31/12/2019. The share capital decrease was conducted based upon the company's General Assembly's resolution made in its extraordinary meeting held on 17/8/2020 which was granted the approval of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply on 22/11/2020. 


Thereby, the SDC record for the Share Capital Decrease of the National Oil and Electricity Production from Oil Shale Co. indicates the following: 

# Company Name No. of shares decreased Registered Share Capital
Company No.
1. National Oil and Electricity Production from Oil Shale Co. 2,500,000 2,500,000 JO4121611019 141216

Kind Regards, 

Jamal Jallab

Acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer  

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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57