Completion of the Share Capital Decrease of the Almehanya for Real Estate Investments & Housing Co.


Ref. : 6327/2022
Date: 24/07/2022 

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians 

Dear General Manager, 


Subject: Completion of the Share Capital Decrease of the Almehanya for Real Estate Investments & Housing Co.


Kindly be informed that the SDC has completed the process of decreasing the share capital of (4,012,800) of the Almehanya for Real Estate Investments & Housing Company on Sunday 24/07/2022 to distribute its excess cash to the shareholders.

The above mentioned procedure is conducted based upon the company's General Assembly's resolution made in its extraordinary meeting held on 21/03/2022 which was granted the approval of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply on 28/06/2022.

Thereby, the SDC record for the Capital of the Almehanya for Real Estate Investments & Housing Company indicates the following:

# Company Name No. of shares decreased Registered Share Capital
Company No.
1. Almehanya for Real Estate Investments & Housing Co. 4,012,800 29,427,200 JO3127011018 131270

Kind Regards, 

Sarah Tarawneh

Chief Executive Officer

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57