Completion of the Share Capital Decrease of the Future Arab Investment Co.


Ref. :8/11/1307
Date: 05/03/2017

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Completion of the Share Capital Decrease of the Future Arab Investment Co.

Kindly be informed that the SDC has completed the process of decreasing the share capital of (2,443,949) shares of the Future Arab Investment Company on Sunday 05/03/2017. The share capital decrease was conducted based upon the company's General Assembly's resolution made in its extraordinary meeting held on 24/11/2016 and upon the approval of the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply on the share capital decrease issued on 23/02/2017.
Thereby, the SDC record for the Capital of the Future Arab Investment Company indicates the following:
# Company Name No. of shares decreased Registered Share Capital
Company No.
1. Future Arab Investment Co. 2,443,949 24,931,051 JO3125811013 131258

Kind Regards,

Khalil Naser

Chief Executive Officer
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57