The Share Capital Decrease of the Al-ekbal Printing & Packaging Co.


Ref. :8/11/3354
Date: 25/07/2016

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians
Dear General Manager,

Subject: The Share Capital Decrease of the Al-ekbal Printing & Packaging Co.

Kindly be informed that the SDC will carry on the process of decreasing the share capital of (1,500,000) shares of the Al-ekbal Printing & Packaging Company on Tuesday 26/07/2016 as this amount is in excess of its needs for the time being pursuant to the provisions of Article (114) of the Companies Law.
The share capital decrease of the said amount will result in decreasing the registered capital for the company to (3,500,000) shares.

Kind Regards,

Khalil Naser

Chief Executive Officer
Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57