Signing Electronic Lien Services Agreement


Ref. :8/11/4030
Date: 31/08/2016

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Signing Electronic Lien Services Agreement

Due to the great success of providing Income & Sales Tax Department with the electronic lien system and the SDC seeking to expand the beneficiaries’ base of this system to include all bodies empowered by virtue of law to place and release the lien restriction upon the securities.
Please be informed that the SDC has signed an agreement with the Social Security Corporation (SSC) on Wednesday 31/08/2016 to provide the SSC with Electronic Lien System to enable the SSC to electronically place and release lien restriction upon deposited securities registered in the name of individuals or judicial entities according to the certain controls and procedures to ensure the accuracy and speed in accomplishing such transactions, improving services, and streamlining the government procedures.
As of 01/09/2016, the SDC will provide you with statements include the names of individuals or judicial entities you should place and/or release the lien restriction upon their ownership of securities. This will require taking the necessary actions regarding these statements sent to you electronically through the mailbox dedicated for this purpose.

Kind Regards 

Khalil Naser
Chief Executive Officer

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57