The SDC applies the International Bank Account Number (IBAN)


Ref. :8/11/474
Date: 09/01/2014

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers
Dear General Manager,

Subject: The SDC applies the International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

With reference to the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) letter no. 1/1/5/13781 dated 5/11/2013 to inform the SDC that the instructions of the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) will be applied mandatory in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as of 2/2/2014 for all banks operating in the Kingdom for the outward and inward transfers locally and internationally.
Please be informed that the IBAN of the SDC’s settlement account at the CBJ to receive and pay the values of securities is (JO43CBJO0010000000000131050011).
Therefore, please provide the SDC with the IBAN of your bank account for the settlement purposes as of 20/01/2014 through providing the SDC with the following:
1. Letter from the financial broker signed by the authorized signatories includes bank account data, and the IBAN for that account.
2. Signed and sealed letter issued by the broker’s bank includes bank account data, the IBAN, and the account’s owner.
We would like also to emphasize the need for a broker when addressing a request from the SDC to transfer the amounts resulted from the re-calculation of the cash contributions to his account, this letter of transfer request should include the IBAN of the this account.


Kind Regards

Khalil Naser
/Chief Executive Officer

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57