SDC Accepted as a Member in ANNA


Date: 13/06/2004

The Securities Depository Center of Jordan (SDC) participated in the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) held in Oslo between 3 – 5 of June.

More than 60 countries participated in the meeting, in which the SDC was accepted as a member in ANNA. The SDC was also appointed as an agent for the Association in the Middle East. ANNA was established in the year 1992 and its members include institutions related to securities numbering.

The SDC’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Samir Jaradat said that the acceptance of the SDC’s membership comes as a result of the efforts of the Jordan Capital Market, which has become a model in the Middle East Region.

Jaradat also stated that the SDC works effectively, efficiently, and complies with international standards. This has placed the SDC alongside the World’s top central depositories.

The SDC also met with officials at the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS) in Oslo, where issues of mutual interest were discussed including securities’ lending and borrowing for settlement purposes. The cash dividend system was viewed as well.

The participants were briefed on the Jordanian experience in building the Securities Depository.

Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57