Chapter One Foreign Companies Operating in the Kingdom

Article (240)  
Definition of an Operating Foreign Company, its Form, and Conditions for Operating in Jordan
For the purpose of this Law, an Operating Foreign Company means a Company or an entity which is registered outside the Kingdom, whose headquarters is in another country and whose nationality is considered non-Jordanian. In terms of its nature it shall be divided into two types:


Companies operating for limited period, which are awarded tenders in order for them to realize their work in the Kingdom for a limited period. The registration thereof shall cease upon the completion of such work unless the said Company obtains new contracts, in which case its registration shall extend to cover the execution of such work. Its registration shall be cancelled after completion of all its work in the Kingdom and after its rights and obligations are settled.
Companies operating permanently in the Kingdom under license by the competent official authorities.
No foreign company or entity may exercise any commercial business in the Kingdom unless it is registered in accordance with the provisions of this Law after obtaining a permit to operate pursuant to the applicable Laws and regulations
Article (241)  
Registration of a Foreign Company and Documents that should be Submitted to the Controller
The registration application for the Foreign Company or entity shall be submitted to the Controller accompanied by the following data and documents, translated into Arabic, provided that the Arabic translation is certified by a Notary Public in the Kingdom.
A copy of the Articles and Memorandum of Association, or any other document related to its foundation, and showing the method of its foundation.
The written official documents which certify that such Company has obtained the approval of the concerned authority in the Kingdom for the carrying out the work, and investing the foreign capitals therein in accordance with the legislations in force.
A list of the names of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company, or the management committee or the partners, as the case may be, along with the nationality of each one of them in addition to the names of the persons who are authorized to sign on behalf of the Company
A copy of the power of attorney according to which the Foreign Company authorizes a resident of the Kingdom to carry out its activities and receive notifications on its behalf.
The financial statements for the last fiscal year of the Company at its headquarters certified by a licensed auditor.
Any other data or information whose submittal the Controller deems necessary.
The application for registration must be signed by the person authorized to register the Company before the Controller or the person authorized by him in writing or the Notary Public. The application must incorporate the fundamental information about the Company, especially the following:
The name of the Company, its form and capital.
The objectives of the Company which it will realize in the Kingdom
Detailed information about the founders, partners or the Board of Directors and the share of each of them.
Any other data or information whose submittal is deemed necessary by the Controller.
Article (242)  
Controller’s Power to Accept or Reject the Registration and His Notification of any Change that may Occur to it



The Controller may accept or reject the registration of the Foreign Company or entity. In the event of the approval of registration, the legal registration procedures of the Company or entity in the Foreign Companies Register shall be completed, and shall be published in the Official Gazette upon collecting the legal fees.



The procedures stipulated in paragraph (a) of this Article shall be applicable to any change that may occur to the Company's statements which were submitted during the registration procedures. The Company should submit the changes to the concerned authority within thirty days.
The branch of the Foreign Company operating in the Kingdom, must announce in its official documents and correspondence the name of the foreign mother company, its nationality, its legal structure, address and capital in its country, and in the Kingdom, in addition to its branch registration number with the Controller
Article (243)  
Registered Foreign Company Duties
The Foreign Company or entity registered pursuant to the provisions of this Law shall undertake the following:
1. To submit to the Controller within three months from the end of each fiscal year its balance sheet and the profit and loss account of its operations in the Kingdom duly certified by a Jordanian licensed auditor.
2. To publish the balance sheet and the profit and loss account regarding its operations in the Kingdom in at least two local daily newspapers within sixty days from the date of submitting these statements to the Controller.
3. The Minister may exclude any Company from implementing the provisions of clauses (1) and (2) upon the recommendation of the Companies' Controller
The Controller or his representative may inspect the Company's books and documents and the Company should make such books and documents available at his disposal.
Article (244)  
Duties of a Foreign Company Requesting Cancellation and Provisions Applicable to it
The Foreign Company or entity shall notify the Controller in writing of the date it expects its operations to end in the Kingdom or the date specified for the termination thereof, at least thirty days prior to such date. The Foreign Company shall prove to the Controller that it has already settled all its obligations resulting from its operations in the Kingdom prior to obtaining the approval for canceling its registration.
The general liquidation provisions stipulated in this Law, shall apply to branches of Foreign Companies Operating in the Kingdom, and whose management head office is located abroad.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57