Fifth Treatment of Shareholders


5)  Treatment of Shareholders
  i)  The Bank takes active steps to encourage shareholders, in particular minority shareholders, to participate in the Annual General Assembly, and also to vote either in person or in their absence by proxy.
The Bank’s policy is that the chairmen of all Board Committees should be present at the Annual General Assembly, and are invited to address relevant questions from shareholders.
  iii)  Representatives from the external auditors are present at the Annual General Assembly to answer questions about the audit and their auditors’ report.
  iv) The Bank policy is that there will be voting on each separate issue that is raised at the Annual General Assembly.
  v)  As required by the Companies Law, Directors submit themselves for election or re-election at the Annual General Assembly on a regular basis, and the appointment of the Bank’s external auditors is elected at the Annual General Assembly.
Notes, minutes, and a report of the proceedings of the Annual General Assembly, including the results of voting, and the questions from shareholders and executive management’s responses, are prepared and made available to shareholders after the Annual General Assembly.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57