
Article (87) Whoever violates the provisions of Article (25), paragraph (B) of Article (26), any of paragraphs (A) and (B) of Article (27), paragraph (A) of Article (45) or Article (49) of this Act, shall be fined an amount not less than fifty thousand dinars, and not exceeding five hundred thousand dinars. The fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. Upon the repetition of the violation more than twice, additional successive fines may be charged, by virtue of the provisions of this Article.
Article (88) Whoever violates the provisions of paragraph (A) of Article (36) of this Act shall be subject to a fine not less than twenty thousand dinars and not exceeding forty thousand dinars. The fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. Upon the repetition of this violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (89) Whoever violates the provisions of paragraph (B) of Article (33), Article (39), Article (53), Article (54) or Article (55) of this Act, shall be subject to a fine not less than five thousand dinars, and not exceeding twenty thousand dinars. The fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. For repetition of the violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (90) Whoever violates the provisions of any of Articles (28), (31), (32), (44), or (46) of this Act, shall be subject to a fine not less than ten thousand dinars, and not exceeding twenty thousand dinars. The fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. For repetition of the violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (91) Whoever violates the provisions of paragraphs (H), (I) or (J) of Article (23), Article (30), Article (34), paragraph (B) of Article (36), Article (40), Article (42), Article (43) or Article (58) of this Act, shall be subject to a fine not less than one thousand dinars, and not exceeding ten thousand dinars. The penalty shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. For repetition of the violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (92) Any person who has refrained from providing the Commission or the Director General with the documents, information and data that ought to be submitted according to this Act, the Regulations and Instructions issued by virtue thereof, or hindered or prevented the Director General, or the person authorized thereby, to implement his functions and authorities stipulated in this Act, the Regulations and Instructions issued by virtue thereof, interfered to prevent them from obtaining the information necessary to perform their duties, declined to provide them with such information, or failed to do so within the specified period, shall be subject to a fine not less than five hundred dinars, and not exceeding five thousand dinars. The fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. For repetition of the violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (93) The liquidator shall be subject to a fine not less than one thousand dinars, and not exceeding ten thousand diners, if he violated any of the obligations imposed on him pursuant to the provisions of this Act, Regulations and Instructions issued by virtue thereof. The fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. For repetition of the violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (94) Every violation to any of the provisions of this Act, Regulations or Instructions issued by virtue thereof, for which no special fine has been stipulated in the Act, its perpetrator shall be subject to a fine not less than one thousand dinars and not more than ten thousand dinars, the fine shall be doubled if the violation was repeated. For repetition of the violation more than twice the fine shall be doubled, based on its highest limit.
Article (95) The Board, upon the recommendation of the Director General, shall impose any of the penalties stated in this Act. Any interested party shall be entitled to appeal this Decision before the High Court of Justice within thirty days from the day this Decision was issued.
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Last update Thursday on 23-11-2023 at 15:26:57